Tube and Fitting Scaffold Staircases
Mandatory - Must be applied at all locations
- Whilst System staircases are typically used for access on Morgan Sindall sites, we do occasionally use tube and fitting staircases
- Tube & fitting stair treads with a single lug per side have the potential to rotate around the central fixing point which can lead to falls.
- Where tube & fitting stair treads are used, they must either;
- Be installed with an additional transom or check fittings & tubes below the leading edge of the tread to prevent the step from rotating.
- or
- Have 2 lugs per side which will require 2 “stringer” tubes per side.
- Note: whilst tube & fitting staircase using treads with a single lug per side under 1500 mm in height are covered by TG20:21 any staircase greater that 1500 mm in height or using treads with 2 lugs per side will require a bespoke design.

Pat Boyle
Managing Director